How to stop WAA Real-time Monitoring?
How to stop WAA Real-time Monitoring?
Customer Environment:
1) OS for WebALARM Agent (WAA): Linux
2) WebALARM (WA) version: v4.3.X
Refer to the manual workaround below:
Boot options to set the /usr/local/wa4/wa --port=8079 --syslog=ERROR --disable-realtime --force-uploadscan
A. For Redhat 6 you may use the following procedure:
1. Stop WA: type /sbin/initctl stop wa
2. add the "--disable-realtime" into the wa configuration file
e.g.: exec /usr/local/wa4/wa --port=9999 --syslog=ERROR --disable-realtime
3. Start WA: type /sbin/initctl start wa
B. For Redhat 5/4 you may use the following command:
1. add the "--disable-realtime" into the wa configuration file
e.g.: exec /usr/local/wa4/wa --port=9999 --syslog=ERROR --disable-realtime
2. restart WA: type telinit q
More information:
1. The --force-uploadscan is not needed to stop real-time monitoring. This would only be used when upload changes not being detected and a full scan is required after each upload.
2. Reference:webalarm_usermanual_4.3_EN.pdf P40