Update Management Agent (UMA) failed to connect to WebALARM Agent (WAA)
Symptom: Update Management Agent (UMA) failed to connect to WebALARM Agent (WAA)
Possible Root cause: 1. UMA settings in WAA server settings tab configured incorrectly and not connected.
2. The default Command TCP port (5013) and Data TCP port (5023) were used by other application
3. WAA or UMA service is not running
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Check if the UMA settings in WAA server settings tab configured correctly. The "start" button should be grayed which showed that connection to UMA is opened.
2. Make sure the default ports were not used or else use a new port number for "Command TCP Port" and "Data TCP Port" both in WAA and UMA (Note: Both sides MUST have the same port numbers).
3. Make sure WAA or UMA service is running
More information:
Please refer to the UMA user manual bundled inside the WebALARM (WA) installation package.