Product Version: ARWare V3 Product Component: ARWare Console Issue: ARWare Console failed to display device IP address even though affected device is monitored actively. Refer to image below where the IP populated as Root cause: This is a ...
Error Message: ARWare Client failed to register on console Symptom: Error message above popped up upon ARWare Client freshly installed. Findings: 1. ARWare Console services are running. See example below, Note: To check issue command ...
Product Version: V4.0 Product Component: ARWare Client Question: What is the supported platform of ARWare Client? Answer: Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 & Windows 7, 8, 10
Question: If to set debug log affects performance? Answer: No, but consuming more disk space so periodical cleanup needed if debug log working in long term. More Information: Please check user manual for how to set debug log.
Question: What is the recommended sequence to restart WAA and UMA processes? Answer: On systems with both WAA and UMA installed, please follow the recommended sequence below: 1. Restart WAA process 2. Restart UMA process Abbreviation: WebALARM ...
Question: If WebALARM Console is closed forcefully, is there any impact to WAA & UMA? Answer: There is no adverse impact to WAA & UMA. The Console connection does not affect connection between WAA & UMA. Abbreviation: WebALARM Agent (WAA) Update ...