Question: What if user loses his/her phone with TheGRID Beacon activated? Answer: Similar to losing important personal identification like credit card, identification card, passport, ATM bank card, access card, etc; the user should immediately report ...
Question: How to prevent unauthorized first-time TheGRID Beacon activation by a hacker who has already stolen username and password? Answer: TheGRID Beacon typically goes through a first-time activation by scanning a prompted QR code after installing ...
Question: Is there an administrative user interface to manage TheGRID? Answer: Yes, there is an administrative web-UI called TheGRID_Admin to allow an administrator to manage, access login history and revoke devices. More information: N/A
Question: Is there a trick to capturing the QR code image? It’s taking some time. Answer: The trick is focusing. The phone lens can't focus when it's too close to the object, so try to move back a little. Something like 1 feet from the monitor. If ...
Question: Does TheGRID integrate well with applications like "Last Pass" - a password management tool? Answer: TheGRID works independent of any password managers since it does not store user credentials. More information: N/A
Question: What authentication/authorization methods are available? Answer: TheGRID has 3 methods for device/user authentication. Each has its own merits/demerits. 1. TheGRID Basic - GRID tags/registers/remembers each browser by planting a ...
Question: What is the right scenario for the TheGRID? Answer: TheGRID has two core modules that provides enhanced authentication. The Basic module helps organization track the specific computing devices its users use to access its web application, ...
Product Version: V4.0 Product Component: ARWare Client Question: What is the supported platform of ARWare Client? Answer: Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 & Windows 7, 8, 10
Question: If to set debug log affects performance? Answer: No, but consuming more disk space so periodical cleanup needed if debug log working in long term. More Information: Please check user manual for how to set debug log.
Question: What is the recommended sequence to restart WAA and UMA processes? Answer: On systems with both WAA and UMA installed, please follow the recommended sequence below: 1. Restart WAA process 2. Restart UMA process Abbreviation: WebALARM ...
Question: If WebALARM Console is closed forcefully, is there any impact to WAA & UMA? Answer: There is no adverse impact to WAA & UMA. The Console connection does not affect connection between WAA & UMA. Abbreviation: WebALARM Agent (WAA) Update ...